RAMs Arranged Methodically
Echo Lyne Fangame
Game by Morth
Art by BlancAile
Music by Patiszejuicebox
RAMs drawn by the RAMs
Hold and right click to rotate
Third party assets
(All free for commercial use without attribution)
Basic Hand-Drawn Tileset and Asset Pack (Top-Down 128x128) by schwarnhild https://schwarnhild.itch.io/
Mouldy cheese font by Niskala Huruf https://www.fontspace.com/mouldy-cheese-font-f95405
Game icon pack by Kenney Vleugels (https://www.kenney.nl/)
Interface sounds by Kenney Vleugels (https://www.kenney.nl/)
Swoosh Sound Effect for Fight Scenes or Transitions by DheerajakaM4JOR https://pixabay.com/sound-effects/swoosh-sound-effect-for-fight-scenes-or-transi...
Success bell by pixabay https://pixabay.com/sound-effects/success-bell-6776/